israelgives_logoONLINE DONATIONS

By donating to YAD ELIE you are helping us to feed malnourished schoolchildren in Jerusalem.
Through your gift you also contribute to their academic achievements, create a smile on their faces and give them a better life.


Click on the IsraelGives logo to donate

online today!

All contributions to Yad Elie are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law,
in Israel, in the USA and in The Netherlands.


In Israel:          Yad Elie, Meir Nakarstreet 27/2, Jerusalem 93803

In the USA:      American Support for Israel, P.O.B. 3263, Washington DC 20010

In the Netherlands:   Stichting Chawerim Hollandim,
Minervaplein 4”, 1077 TN Amsterdam (see also further down)

Please earmark your check for Yad Elie amutanumber 580537389



In Israel
First International Bank
Bank no 031, Branch 012
Account number 409-267673
Iban number IL66031012 0000000267673


In the Netherlands
Stichting Chawerim Hollandim
IBAN: NL76 INGB 0009 6972 94
BIC/SWIFT INGBNL2A – Earmarked for Yad Elie 


All contributions to Yad Elie are tax-deductible, to the fullest extent permitted by law, article 46  ANBI and 501(c)3